Friday, March 15, 2013

Hall Of Fame Preserved?

Some people might believe that by not inducting any players into this year's baseball Hall of Fame was a good idea, while others say it was a big mistake. I am a person who feels that this was a big mistake by the voters. The players that were eligible to be elected this year may have been linked with steroids though. This does not change my opinion. 

The reason I feel they should have been in the Hall of Fame this year is because they were the greatest players of their time! They were apart of "The Steroid Era". That is the key term, the Era! By claiming that they played in a steroid era means that over a certain period of time, there was more than one person accused of using steroids. The MLB can not catch every player who is using steroids, it is physically impossible. Some players may never even be considered a user of steroids because their statistics are not eye-popping. These athletes may abuse steroids for their entire career and never be caught. Just because a player who used steroids, and performed better than ever other person in the league does not mean their are the only person to have used steroids.

By taking steroids you only become stronger and are able to recover better from injuries. Steroids do not increase your hand eye-coordination or your ability to field a ground ball. The basic skills of a baseball player are not increased at all from steroids. The athlete still has to put in all the work, if not more, in the weight room, the cage, and on the practice field. I do not approve of cheating in any form, but the players who cheat and succeed, should not be penalized any more than a person who cheats and does not produce. 

The players who have been looked at as abusers were the most energetic players in the league at their time! They were breaking records after records, winning world championships! Players who have been considered an embarrassment to baseball, are the same players who put baseball back on the map, when it was stranded in no-mans land! These players brought baseball back to America and they should be recognized as Hall of Fame players.

Some of the 2013 Candidates Linked to Steroids

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